
Summer of fun and lifetime of memories

Camp Shalom

Camp Shalom is a licensed OKDHS summer day camp at the Charles Schusterman Jewish Community Center. Camp Shalom runs 10 individual weeks, starting the Tuesday after Memorial Day. Camp hours are 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Before care starts at 7:30 am and after care is available until 6 pm. All are welcome!

Camp Shalom Summer 2025

May 27 – August 1

Registration is open!

We are hiring for the Summer 2025 season! 

Campers 3 years old to entering Kindergarten

Each week has a theme that the weekly activities will incorporate in crafts, games, books, centers etc.  Lunch and afternoon snack provided. Group swim lessons three days a week. All campers must be completely potty trained- no pull ups. Two counselors per group; group size of 17 (ratio under 9:1). Each group has their own classroom with a bathroom. 

Campers entering 1st grade to entering 6th grade

For seven of the weeks, you will pick the “specialty” camp your camper will participate in for that week. For three of the weeks “Camp Shalom Weeks”, campers will be grouped by grade. Campers are grouped by specialty camps; for example if your camper is in Secret Agent Camp, they will be with the Secret Agent Camp group for the full day.  Campers have free swim every afternoon. Majority of camps will have specialty camp from 9am-noon; noon-4pm, lunch, free swim, group activities. A few of the camps in the morning will have free swim, group activities, lunch and then specialty camp.

Campers entering 7th-10th Grade

Camp Shalom is dedicated to providing a summer environment for campers in the 7th-10th grade. 7th & 8th Graders have the option to stay in Counselors in Training (CIT) Leadership Camp or to go with a 3-K group.  9th & 10th Graders will have the option to stay in CIT Leadership Camp or go with a 1st-6th Grade camp and earn either volunteer hours or a stipend of $50/week.  Campers will swim each day.

Spring Break

When school is out, Camp Shalom is in! Spring Break for 3-K and 1st-10th graders.

Camp runs from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Limited space available!

$55 per child for a day full of fun activities with friends!

Next Dates:

March 17 – 21, 2025

YEAR-ROUND Childcare

Now Enrolling! Opening February 3rd

18 months and up

Licensed childcare facility

Mon – Fri 7:30 am – 5:30 pm 

$100 application fee

Contact: Amanda Anderson, 918-494-0953 for more information.


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